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Week 2: Character Modeling

This week the team’s focus was to complete the character models since we have to get into animating the character as soon as possible due to it being very time consuming. We also started looking into some environmental pieces and reference for us to model in the upcoming weeks. The team also started to discuss some of the potential fixed to the problem brought up during the Greenlight review.

My contribution this week: This week my focus was to help complete the character models. I completed the head model and revising with the project manager for further changes. We went through many different reference images and tutorials for the face to help us further understand the structure of the face. For Example, the shape of the nose and lips of the character. After completing the head I combine all the models together into one file and made sure there isn’t any weird surface or shapes in the model. After that, I started to do some simple texture or coloring for the model. I also started looking into some architecture building for our game environment. I look through many of the medieval castle images including walls, pillars, and arches. This allows the team to have some visualization of the game environment and also helps me to have a reference when modeling in the upcoming week. Furthermore, together with the project manager we started thinking of the animations for the character including attacks combos and dodging. However, it is quite hard for us to grasp on how the animation would really look like in the game. So, we decided to have one of our friends to act out some of the animations to help us visualize some the animations with the character and use it as a reference when we are doing the animations.


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